Monday, June 15, 2009

Behold, The Musical Theatre Dictionary

We here at The MT Dictionary thought that it was about time someone collected all of the lingo that is used in theatrical communities into one place. Ergo, what we have done is provided loose definitions of the best/silliest/fiercest words into our unofficial quasi-alphabetized dictionary. The world of musical theatre is ever evolving, and we don't claim to have gotten it right on the first try--so please check up with us weekly to see what fun words we have come up with! Also, if you have any words you'd like to contribute or define feel free to drop us a comment here or at our official e-mail address (

Author's Note: If the names Elaine Stritch, William Finn, and Lillias White mean nothing to you, please leave immediately. Furthermore if you have never belted--leave now, this is NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU. If you have never watched the Tony Awards, this screen will close immediately. (Okay, we aren't smart enough to do that but we WILL be getting some techies very soon. Ooooh, we should probably put "techie" into our dictionary.)

NEW WORDS: Back Phrasing, Belt-ologist, Sides, She-Tenor, Tone Deaf
(Updated Teusday, March 30-- 11.25 pm)

Follow our updates live on the twitter:

Love and Laducas,
THE MTDictionary Team

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Accountant-noun- A person studying or pursuing musical theatre who would be better suited in another non-artistic profession (i.e. accountant)
College MT: How many MT's are there in your class?
College MT 2: We have 40 MT's, but half of them are accountants.

-adjective- A Black actress who specializes in roles originally portrayed by white
actresses. Usually a beautiful, classically trained soprano. Origin: Audra McDonald
"Why did they send Maya in for Purlie? She's way too Audra for that part."

Annie- noun- Any actor under the age of 14 in a production with you. This term applies to both boys and girls.
Actor: Hey, Annie!
Child Actor: My name's Joe and I'm playing the Artful Dodger.
Actor: I don't give a fuck what your name is, just don't step on my LaDucas again.

Antoinette Perry-noun- Specifically the "Antoinette Perry Awards", otherwise known
as the Tonys. An annual awards show, considered the Academy Awards of the theatre
world. Due to the proximity of Broadway actors to each other, the Tony Awards carries
a tone of celebration of theatre rather than a competition. In recent years, the Tonys
have taken on  nominating and awarding practices, often with loud shows
winning over meatier, artistic fare.
1. Watching the Tonys every year is like having a huge buffet that gives you the runs.
2. I can't believe all three Billy's were nominated for an Antoinette Perry. That's the
opposite of a brills decision.
3. My goals in life are to: own my home, have a baby, and win a Tony.

ASM-noun- Abbreviation: assistant stage manager. Otherwise known as "Baby
Lesbians in a Power Struggle."


Back Phrasing- verb- When a skilled performer either moves ahead or behind the music for dramatic effect. Back Phrasing is often used as a tactic to represent "contemplative acting choices." Warning, MT's, back phrasing should be used gingerly and only with a well-trusted Musical Director. Too much back phrasing can sometimes just look like one has forgotten their lyrics.
Jon: Just because she's backphrasing doesn't make her a good actress.

Beltogolist- noun- One who is especially skilled at identifying placement in voices. An expert beltologist will be able to identify the exact placement of a woman's voice (even discerning the thin line between mix-belt and belt-mix.)
Rachel: I'm so nervous! I saw Steven out there [the audience] and he is such a beltologist.

The Bible
- noun- The Stage Manager's prompt book which contains every light and sound cue, as well as all of the show's blocking.
Move, read or even touch the Bible and you're dead. If you should do so, they will put glass in your LaDuca's.
Stage Manager: I am trusting you with The Bible.
ASM: I will guard this with all of my nine lives.
Stage Manager: You're so weird. You'll make a great Stage Manager!

- verb- Literally: black acting (also to blackt) Usually black actors who surrender three-dimensional, thought out portrayals for stereotypical "black" archetypes, knowing that it will get a laugh.
1. I saw Dreamgirls the other day and I almost cried; there was so much blackting onstage.
2. The thing I absolutely adore about Audra, LaChanze, and Norm is that I've never seen them blackt.

Belting and Bleeding
- verb- When a person's belt is so high and loud that it sounds painful but is executed with completely healthy vocal production. Although a somewhat misleading name, belting and bleeding is often desired for powerful vocals. See Marla Mindelle/Kate Pazakis.
1. As obsessed as I am with Power Mixers, I still die for belting and bleeding.
2. If this girl playing
Eva Peron isn't belting and bleeding, I'm leaving during intermish.

Backting- verb- Literally: back acting. When an inexperienced actor plays everything facing upstage turning his back on the audience. One of the cardinal sins of MT, back acting is the first mark of an inexperienced actor. Actors guilty of backting are encouraged to "cheat out"
1. Jim, this is the third time I've given you this note but please stop backting. CHEAT OUT!
2. If I had known during her audition she was guilty of backting, I would've gone with the heady mixer.

-noun- Theatrical gold. A person, usually female, who specializes in producing
fierce, skilled vocals in the highest part of their chest voice. When given the choice to
belt or mix, a belter will always choose the former. Female belters can also be refered
to as beltresses.
Natalie: I'm so excited for Lippa's Wild Party! It's belter-heaven.

Bernadette-adjective- A cute actress with exorbitant star power
"Ali is the epitome of a Bernadette. I die; she's next stop b'way."

Book-It- verb- To do well. "I totes booked it at my Candide callback. I'm soooo next-
stop-Cunegonde." 2. noun- An exclamation to be yelled during cabaret performances.
"Book it!" 3. Literally: to book a job. "Shakespeare in the Park is the third thing I booked
since college."

"Bring Me Up in the House"- saying- Signal to the sound deisgner for more volume
on your mic pac.
"Steve, can you bring me up in the house. I can barely hear myself over the French

Beef and Boards- noun- A reputable theatre with an unfortunate name. "I'm working at
Beef and Boards this summer. I'm Rolf in their Sound of Music." 2. an insult towards
second rate theatre "I saw this low-rent Assassins last night. Don't go; it was very beef
and boards."

Bevel- noun- Standing position stolen from beauty queens and showgirls. A manner of
standing in which one leg is straight while the other is lightly bent with the foot pointing
and one hand on hip. This stance provides the most flattering shape for the MT body.
Jenny: Someone take our picture! Now, everyone bevel--this is going on the
Facebook." 2. noun- a qualm or problem "Molly, what's your bevel?!?"

Belting-At-Gunpoint-adjective- Describing belting so ferocious and brills that it seems
as if the beltress has a gun to her back and is being forced to belt in exchange for her
When she belted "I Want it All", I could've sworn she was belting-at-gunpoint.

Brills-adjective- Abbreviation: brilliant. Used to describe theatre works and ridiculous
acting. Often used to describe a plethora of ideas when all other words escape you.
i,e: "A Little Night Music. Brills."


Cooter Slam-verb- A jump into a split that is so fierce that your cooter actually bitch-slaps the floor. Better done in LaDucas.
1. Sondheim Actress: This choreographer is dumb if he thinks I'm going to pirouette into a cooter slam.
Dancer: That was a fiercy-fierce cooter slam. She better work!

Chewing the Scenery-verb- Chewing the scenery is possibly the worst offense committed by any actor. This involves severely overacting, unfounded character choices and over-the-top line readings. Imagine a community theatre Nathan Lane. Chewing the Scenery can also be called: schmacting, hamming it up, and being a dumbass.
If Richard chews the scenery even more he will start pooping plywood.

Character Actor-
noun- MT men who are too tall, short, fat, or bald to be considered leading men or mangenue. However, unlike character actresses there are a number of precious leading roles available to character actors such as The Chairman in Drood, Pseudolos in ...Forum, Thernardier in Les Mis, Hermann Preysing in Grand Hotel, Barfee in Spelling Bee, Parchester in Me and My Girl, and Nicely Nicely Johnson in Guys and Dolls.
1. I'm so happy I'm a Character Actor, I can eat as many poptarts as I want.
2. Harry: I'm not going to ham it up tonight. I'm over that.
Jordan: You're such a smart character actor.

Cry Face
-verb- When an MT's voice begins to let up and they resort to tight-faced tactics to compensate for their lack of vocal production. It is to make the audience think that your vocal recklessness is an acting choice.
1. Ooh, did you see her transition into cry face? I wish she had just power mixed it. Receipt, please.
2. Cry face doesn't fool me, I know a tinfoil mix when I hear one.
3. She can't belt and bleed during her 11 O'Clock Number so she's trying to give cry face. She's selling it.

- noun- A place where call sheet and cast announcements are posted by
the Stage Manager. Recently, a place to post fierce pictures or anonymous notes to
other cast members.
"Hilda, there's a message on the callboard saying that someone's holding your
LaDucas hostage."

Contrasting Mono-noun-Abbreviation: Contrasting monologue. The hellish
process of choosing a second monologue for an audition that shows comedy or
"I have the hardest time finding contrasting monos and the perfect 16-bar cut."

Character Actress-noun- Talented women often who are often too fat, short, or quirky
to be considered ingenues. Due to their physical shortcomings, character actresses
often exhibit great acting tactics and multi-octave belting skills. Sadly, a character
actress will almost never fall in love onstage because, as we all know, only pretty
people have dreams and genitalia.
"I'm fine with being considered a character actress. No, really, I am. Honestly."

Company Call-saying- When the stage manager yells to the cast to let them know how
many minutes they have until the show's commencement. 2. a way to quiet a room full
of actors in any setting.
I can't believe Marty said "Company Call" when we were at the Death Cab concert just
to shut us up! That was so embarrassing."

Cattle Call-noun- An audition in which any person with a headshot or resume is
encouraged to come. These are usually for shows in which the deisred talent is
unrepresented (shows with teenagers or Black people.) Little comes from cattle calls
except for deceptively hopeful callbacks and the realization that everyone in America
thinks that they are a star.
"I can't believe people go to cattle calls. If my agent doesn't send me in, I'm not

Cast Party- noun- A place where people without showmances make up for lost time.
2. a drunken mess.
"I hope all the old people don't come to the cast party."

Callback-noun- The cause of much stress. An opportunity to perform material from the
show, but with no direction and minimal preparation. No one asks doctors to come
back and perform part of an operation and then NOT hire them.
If I go to another callback and don't book a job, I'm moving to tv/film.

Chorine-noun- Not to be confused with chlorine, a chorine is a pretty young woman in
a Broadway chorus.
Jillian: But I'm a serious actress!
Old Broad: With those legs and those tactics, you have chorine written all over you.


Dish- noun- Any insider information or knowledge pertaining to anything theatre; interesting gossip. Literally: "dish out the news." 2. The adjective for "dishy' denotes something of a gossip-y nature.
1. MT 1: Did you see the pictures of Audra and Will Swenson on the red carpet?
MT 2: Yeah, I thought she was married.
MT 1: Not anymore.
MT 2: Dish!
2. I just heard about the Christian-Sutt-LBB love triangle. So dishy!
3. I need to hear the dish from last night's cast party...

Dancer-Dancer- noun- A person who dances so fiercely that they must be defined by saying the word twice. Dancer-dancers always go to a dance call over a singing call, and tend to reside in the ensemble of a show.
Dancer 1: That girl has the fiercest LaDucas...they must be custom made..
Dancer 2: Yeah. I mean, she IS a Dancer-dancer.

-adjective- A term used during moments of extreme exasperation and fatigue. Overdramatic MT's will break out this word during moments of slight annoyance with their present situation, literally they are growing old, slowly dying and being dust covered: dusty.
"Why did I come to this open call, I've been waiting to be seen for 3 hours! I am soooo DUSTY!"

Downstage Center- noun- The single most desired position on a stage. MT's with egos will try anything in their might to move as close to downstage center during dance numbers, tableaux, and ensemble numbers. Remaining downstage center almost always ensures that an actor will be in the production photos, which is brills.
1. "Andrew, if you upstage me to get to downstage center again I will shove my Laduca so far up your ass!"
2. "That Leading Black Ensemblist basically
lived downstage center. She better work!"

Dancing Chorus
- noun- Antiquated system in which dancers were required primarily
to dance and rarely sang and weren't required to act or understudy.
"Fuck, I wish there were still dancing choruses. I'd be booking jobs left and right."

Dance Call-noun- After the initial audition, this is where Sondheim Actressess
humiliate themselves. 2. A chance to show off your new LaDucas.
Sondheim Actress: I heard the words "Dance Call" and I nearly pooped.

Dance Break- noun- Opportunity for fouettes.

Dance Belt-noun- Male dance underwear designed to provide optimum support in the
genitalia and eliminate underwear lines 2. A view into female life that even gay men
do not enjoy.
Choreographer: I don't want to see any more full-back dance belts! Get the ones with
the strings!

Dead Eyes-none or adjective- One of the most assaulting actions to be witnessed onstage. "Dead Eyes" describes a person who lacks any energy or activity in their face (especially eyes) while onstage. Beware, MT's, vivacious and gregarious persons off-stage can still be guilty of dead eyes onstage and if you have a friend who suffers from dead eyes please let them know.
1. I'm obsessed with Everett, but when he's onstage he's always giving me Dead Eyes.
2. Her voice is soooo pretty but I can't get over her dead eyes.


EMC-noun- When a non-equity performer has worked in an equity theatre, they can accumulate points that earn them the title of "Equity Membership Candidate." After filling out a form and paying a $100 fee, they receive a card that may or may not get them into equity auditions and allows them to pee in the equity building. That's about it.
1. Actor 1: (in the equity building bathroom) OMG! It is so great to see you again! Are you Equity now?
Actor 2: no, I'm EMC.
Actor 1: Hey what number are you?
Actor 2: ...I'm on the EMC waiting list.

Equity Cot-noun- A backstage cot required by Actor's Equity Association "for any Actor who may become ill during a rehearsal or performance"
Informally, it is a place for Showmances to be consummated, and for others to sleep during their "Equity 15"
I wouldn't nap on the Equity-Cot if I were you- do you know how many showmances have been on there?!

"Effie We All Got Pain"-saying- Response to a costar when he/she is throwing tons of diva comments your way. A reference to the musical Dreamgirls when Effie White's laundry-lists of excuses are met with this statement. The point being: you have struggles, so do we.
Diva: My Laduca Strap broke, I'm not warm yet, and if they make me wear this bullshit costume I'm going to flip.
Smart Actor: Effie, we all got pain.

Entrance Applause-verb- The mark of a true star or dame. Thunderous applause at the sight or first sound of the biggest star in the show.
1. Lupone's entrance applause in GYPSY, was so long I thought we were actually at a race riot.
2. Leticia: Do we really have to give this eighteenth Elphaba entrance applause? She ain't no dame.
Hannah: Yes.
3. I always give entrance applause when watching the 1999 Annie remake.

Extra-adjective or verb- When someone is going above and beyond the call of duty in the worst way. Specifically describes something one does either onstage or off (can include riffs, offhanded comments, an unchoreographed triple pirouette etc.) that are just "too much" and are deemed extra.
1. Chelsea: Did you hear Shannon belting down the hallway between classes?
Dan: Yeah, girl, that was extra.
2. Remember when we thought she was fierce? Now she's just so extra.
3. Being a charachter actress is soooo hard. It's not easy finding the perfect balance between hilar and "extra."
4. We get it, Lindsey, you can dance. The fact that you always stand in fourth position is JUST EXTRA!

Expensive-adjective- A rare, but amazing occurrence of something so extra but so jaw-dropping, its deemed "expensive."
Mike: Wow! Her riffs in "I know the truth" were sooo unecessary..."
Corbin: But SO expensive.

- noun- A made up word that denotes a member of a show's ensemble.
There are many types of esnemblist (particularly the Leading Black Ensemblist) that
are recurring themes in most Broadway enembles. Ensemblists have thankless jobs in
that they often play a carousel of characters and share a communal dressing area.
However, it is the job of the ensemblist to find ways to have individual characterization
and purpose. This can prove fun for fierce ensemblists.
I love Les Mis because it has some prime opportunities for some fierce ensemblists.

Equity 15-noun- A fifteen minute break regulated by Actor's Equity Association. No
matter what is occuring during rehearsals, actors must take a fifteen minute break. 2.
Informally, it is a funny saying by MT's when rehearsals seem tedious or endless.
"How long have we been here? I need my Equity 15."


Follow Spot- noun- Manually operated light that illuminates only one person at a time. Because of the specific usage of a follow spot, being placed into a follow spot is the mark of a star.
Star: Totes got blinded by the follow-spot.
Jealous Ensemblist: Totes lucky you get a follow-spot.

- verb- Describes a sudden switch into head voice from chest voice. Usually undesired.
1. Oooh, that Millie was fierce until she flipped into her headvoice.
2. MT 1: Are you going to belt all of it?
MT 2: Yeah, it just takes a lot of stamina.
MT 1: If I hear an awkward head-voice flip, I'm dropping the main rag.

Final Bow
-noun- The final bow is given to the person with the largest role in the show. In shows with more than one "lead actor" (Jesus/Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar, Galinda/Elphie Wicked) this can often be the cause of great ego tension between the two stars.
I would DIE to be a fly on the wall when they told Cheno that Idina was getting Final Bow in Wicked.

Fiercey- noun- The embodiment of ferocity.
1. Caissie Levy is such the new fiercey of Broadway.
2. I will do whatever it takes to be a fiercey, even if that means singing soprano.

- noun- Literally: fake dancer. This describes a person who "moves well" but is not necessarily to be considered a "kick-your-face" dancer. Fancers may be adept at single pirouettes, battement, and plies--but usually cannot land triple pirouettes or our beloved fouettes. If you are a Fancer, do not fear. There is work for Fancers.
1. She's so castable: singer, actress, fancer.
2. As brilliant as Karen Olivo is, sometimes I can't believe they cast a fancer as Anita. Oh well, at least she's belting and bleeding.

- adjective- A ubiquitous word that can be applied to any and all musical theatre
situations. Upon entering a theatre this word will be thrust upon you in all directions.
MT's of late have taken to saying the word subconsciously, out of rote as it has
permeated all parts of theatrical life. Anything can be described as fierce: costumes,
orchestras, props. (They gave me the fiercest rapier for the combat scene!) Formally,
the word stands for anything having an intense aggressiveness, but of late has come
to represent anything of even slight pleasures. The overuse of the word "fierce" has
done nothing to eliminate it's usefulness. Quite frankly some things are "fierce" and
they have the right to be described as such. For example: If a beltress is standing in
front of your face in rehearsal skirt and LaDucas belting a string of E-flats with an
option-up to a G--that is fierce.
Alice Ripley is still fierce. Fuck what you heard.

Find Your Light-saying- An imperative command to unseasoned actors to always
locate their light-conscious positions while onstage.
Director: Lanie, find your light! Find your light! There's a special just upstage of you.

Flop- noun- A musical that (for a number of reasons) does not do well on Broadway,
usually closing in under 30 performances. Contrary to popular belief, flop shows often
have many brilliant moments in addition to their other qualities.
I read the best book on flops the other day! You should read Not Since Carrie by Ken
Mandelbaum. It's brills!

Fouette- verb- The ultimate edification of dance skill. If a person can fouette, they are a
Director: [to choreographer] I don't care what you do with the choreography but I want
Choreographer: Totes.


Golden Microphone-noun- The handiwork of an especially skilled sound designer, a golden microphone is a mic with lots and lots of "reverb". This provides the person singing with fantastic acoustics, and an overall fuller sound. A golden microphone can take an average singer, and with the proper mixing make them sound phenomenal.
MT 1: Wooh, Jessie sounded really good tonight.
MT 2: That's what you think! I know a golden mic when I hear one.

- noun- 1. Arguably the musical with the best book, score, and lyrics that should be revived every 5 years on Broadway (next starring Mary Testa) 2. a Broadway actor who has appeared in numerous ensembles. Prominent enemblists may receive the "Gypsy Robe", one of Broadway's longest traditions.
Sometimes I think I'm a leading lady, but sometimes I think I'm destined to be a Gypsy roaming from ensemble to ensemble.

Golden Age
-noun- A time where musicals had full orchestras, overtures, genius
scores, two choruses and were as abundant as today's reality television shows.
Specifically the period of time during the early 20th century in which composers such as Harold
Arlen, Cole Porter, Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein Jerry Bock, Sheldon
Harnick, Lorenz Hart, Betty Comden, Adolph Green, etc. ruled Broadway.

Green Room- location- A place where little MT babies are made. Formally, it is a
resting place for actors to rest in a common room setting. Informally it is a place for
ensemblists to exhibit their showmance by smooching on the couches.
If I catch Geg and Tanya making out in the Green Room one more time, I will take this
to Equity!"


Headshots- noun- Glossy 8 x 10 photographs of the upper region of a person's body usually with resume stapled to it's back. While headshots were traditionally black and white, due to the popular cross over to tv/film, headshots are now heavily photoshopped and taken in color and usually feature white, brick, or natural background settings.
1. Have you seen her headshots? They're so good, it looks nothing like her.
2. Hey, help me figure out which headshot to send in: the smiley one or the serious one.

- noun- An MT who is especially proficient at tapping. This, however, is not to be confused with hooves (which, as we know, are the brainchild of Satan)
Hoofer: I'm so excited to audition for our next season. 42nd Street, Anything Goes, and Stepping Out. Such a Hoofer season.

Handsy-adjective- Describes someone who uses their hands to excruciating degrees during song performance, always annoyingly. A handsy person will almost always point to their heart on the word "love", point to themselves on the lyric "me" and provide some hand motion for every downbeat.
I don't know why she thinks being handsy will distract from her dead eyes and heady mix.

Heady Mix-
adjective- the worst possible placement. Teenage girls are frequently
guilty of employing heady mixes when their chest voices give out. This is a sure-fire
sign of an untrained singer. Heady-mixes are not to be confused with a gorge sop
(gorgeous soprano).
I want to murder ALL HEADY MIXERS.

Hal Prince-
Public Figure- U.S. theatrical producer and director; full name Harold Smith
Prince. Among the shows that he produced were Pajama Game (1954), West Side
Story (1957), Fiorello (1959), and Fiddler on the Roof (1964). Some that he also
directed included Cabaret (1966), Evita (1980), and Phantom of the Opera (1988).
Frequent collaborator of Stephen Sondheim. Definition of brills.

Hooves-trash- The bowel movement of theatrical footwear. Specifically one inch,
cross-strap, black character shoes frequented by middle school and high school
actresses. These shoes are only acceptable in the secondary school setting and
should be abandoned for LaDucas (or at least three-inch-Tstrap nude charachters)
upon higher MT education/professional work.
I was at a cattle call last week and there was, like, this twenty year old girl wearing
hooves. Next stop b'way!


Ingenue-noun- An actress who usually portrays beautiful leading ladies. Ingenues
frequently are sopranos who operate mostly in their head voice. Oftentimes ingenues
have pretty songs, but little-to-no charachter arc.
I'd much rather play Lovett than Johanna, even though Johanna is the ingenue.

"I Want" Song-noun- Song in the first act in which the main character expresses all of
the things that they would like to accomplish in their liftetime (which usually means the
end of Act II)
"I Want More" from that flop musical Lestat is my favorite combination of an "I Want
Song" and an 11 o'clock number!"

Inseam-noun- Formally the length from the base of one's crotch to their ankles. Used
by costume designers to provide proper fit for costume pants. 2. Informally, a very
awkward place for someone to measure.
When Nancy measured me for inseam, I could've sworn she was looking at my


Jawbrato-noun/verb- Describes a belter-screamer who chooses to accent their vibrato by visibly shaking their jaw up and down.
Morty: Babe, who is that singer friend of yours, the one who shakes when she sings? you know, the one with turrets or something?
Rosie:Oh, Morty, that's Cheryl, the gal who sings at the JCC. She doesn't have Tourret's Syndrome , you asshole, she just has a heavy jawbrato.

Jazz Square-choreography- The most insulting piece of dance to ever be given by a choreographer. A more simplified version of walking (instead of a straight line one merely crosses one leg over the over and repeats in a box formation), jazz squares are the last resort when choreographing a company of Sondheim/Character Actresses and barely-Fancers.
Sondheim Actress: Why is it that I can milk an entire 3-act play out of 16 bars, but I can't do a fucking Jazz Square? I'm too old for this shit.

Jukebox Musical
-noun- A musical that uses the songbook of a popular artist and
strings their popular hits together with anemic circumstances and sophomoric
dialogue. 2. trash onstage. 3. producers attempt at quick money 4.the humilation of
trained actors and actresses to be polished karaoke singers
The only good thing about jukebox musicals is that Lennon finally brought Julia
Murney to Broadway.

Jeakers-Abbreviation: Jazz sneakers.
For dance call: women please wear Laducas and men bring your jeakers, please.


Kickline- verb- Moment in almost all Golden Age or dance musicals in which all
people onstage form a line and proceed to kick simultaneously. This action an almost
always met with applause by the audience.
Gerry: I saw this non-equity Annie last night and the orphan's kickline didn't even get
Nancy: Oh no! Next stop b'way!

Kick-Your-Face-verb- A command in which a nondancer orders a dancer of extreme
flexibility to grand battement for their enjoyment. Completely gratuitous, but incredibly
worth it.
Lawrence: Taylor, kick your face.
(She does so.)
Lawrence: [elated]Yesssssssss.


Living- verb- When an MT is so fierce and so natural in their role it as if no acting is involved; they are simply living in their part.
I swear to God A-Rip isn't acting in Next to Normal. She's living up there at the Booth.

-noun- The nonpareil designers of women's character shoes. These shoes
feature the support of a sturdy heel with a softer, malleable sole perfect for dancing
and other stage business. Moreover, these are the fiercest shoes that any woman can
ever put on her feet. The ferocity of LaDuca shoes transcends cast dividends: from
ingenues to ensemblists, character actresses to chorines these shoes take any
ordinary woman and makes them an MT. If you don't have LaDucas and you're
reading this, I have no respect for you.
I always keep my rehearsal bag stocked: throat coat, nude tights, my book and my
Laducas. I'd never go anywhere unprepared.

Leading Black Ensemblist- noun- A staple in almost every Broadway show, the
Leading Black Ensemblist is a Black person (male or female) who is the only person of
ethnicity in the show. Time, place, and political correctness seldom factor into the
casting of the leading black ensemblist. Because black people tend to have
phenomenal voices and more vibrant stage presence usually many of the ensemble
solos are delegated to the Leading Black Ensemblist. Leading Black Ensemblists
usually take the extremely high and low parts during vocal arrangements, option up
when necessary, and deliver most lines with sass.
I saw 9 to 5 recently and they had more than one Black Ensemblist. Maia Nkenge
Wilson was totes the Leading Black Ensemblist though, I mean she was in the Color

Line Reading- verb- When an MT says something that sounds as if it could have been
from a play or musical although it is not.
Jordan: I've worked so hard for all of these things. And now I have them.
Ben: That was such a line reading.


Marking- verb- To perform something with half-energy to conserve stamina for real performances. Examples of marking: mixing instead of belting, single pirouette instead of a triple. Marking should be done in rehearsals EXCLUSIVELY and are usually delegated to Tech Rehearsals where an MT can perform one number many, many times.
1. Choreographer: I need full-out, no marking. Splatty belts and ceiling-high fan kicks--I am serious.
2. Was that a joke? It sounded like she was marking the whole show.
3. Person 1: I was thinking about marking this rehearsal.
Person 2: Don't.

Method- noun- Actors who find depth in their character by living lives similar to their
characters. For instance, an MT playing Eliza Doolittle may try selling things on the
street or speaking in a cockney accent while offstage. Method acting is considered
overly extreme and if you are a method actor, others will judge you.
"Should we practice kissing? I'm method."

Mic Pac
- noun- A small black box that you clip onto your braissere or dance belt that
controls your wireless mic. Oftentimes mic pacs are wrapped in rubber gloves or
condoms as to avoid being damaged by body sweat.
"I was so worried that my mic pac was on when I went to poop during Act II."

"My Book"-noun- A sturdy three-inch binder filled with an actor/actresses headshots,
monologue options, and ample audition songs. MT's are always searching for new,
obscure songs to be added to "their book."
I just listened to House of Flowers. So many good songs for my book!

The Mask-noun- the location of ultimate placement.
Audra McDonald practically LIVES in the mask. Her tone is phenomenal.

Mangenue- noun- The male equivalent of an ingenue. These are tall, handsome men
(usually baritone) that although oozing sex appeal and chemistry, will always choose
a male chorine over their ingenue costar.
Have you seen Aaron Tveit? I've never seen such a mangenue in my life!


Next Stop B-way-adjective- A phrase of duplicitous uses. It can be used to describe
phenomenal performances or it can be said sarcastically to insult horrible, yet earnest
Complimenting Person: She blew me away as Martha in Secret Garden! Literally next stop b'way!
Insulting Person: How much did we love that heady-mixer Fantine? Next stop b'way! (laugh)

Nodesy-adjective- When describing someone's voice, alluding to the fact that they may have nodes (vocal nodules) due to improper vocal production.
1. I loved Tonya Pinkins in Caroline, or Change, but at the end of her run she was sounding really nodesy.
2. Eleanor: You sound an awful lot like Billy Porter...when he wasn't so nodesy.


"On That Stage"-saying- When you don't want to be mean about an obviously terrible performance, but the person being "on that stage" is the ONLY nice thing you can say.
Meg: How was KiKi in H.M.S. Pinafore?
Abby: Um...she was... on that stage.

- adjective- MT things that are not as well known, particularly referring to shows and audition songs. When choosing audition material MT's like to shy away from overdone songs and choose material from substantial, yet lesser known musicals. Obscure musicals are usually flops my major composers, trunk songs, or music by young composers. Think: indie MT.
Person 1: Give me some obscure things.
Person 2: Ugh! You know I hate this, um: Sisterella , In Trousers by William Finn and The Boys from Syracuse.

- verb-When an actor or actress is singing too intensely for a given part. Contrary to popular belief not all characters in musicals are meant to sing particularly well. While it is certainly expected for all MT's to match pitches during a show, it is not necessary for each not to be flooded with vibrato.
I hope this actress playing Desiree in Night Music does not oversing it. I'll die.

-noun- After the workshop period, when a Broadway show
relocates to another urban metropolis to fine-tune their show. 2. A chance for
message-board-hounding-theatre queens to badmouth a show before it is reviewed
by skilled journalists.
I understand why Sondheim has lost faith in the out-of-town-tryout. Who can improve a show if there mistakes will be on Youtube in ten minutes?

OBC- Abbreviation: Original Broadway Cast. Usually applied to cast abums, OBC
refers to anything pertaining to the original cast of a Broadway musical.
"My dream is to be in the OBC of a musical. I'd give my nipples to create a role."

Option Up- verb- The phenomenal action of altering a melody for a higher note. If a
beltress takes the fifth scale degree instead of the third scale degree on the cut-off that
is considered an option-up. Not to be confused with riffing, optioning up is another
fierce way for beltresses to lord their voices over us.
"I saw Brynn as the Narrator in Joseph...; she optioned up EVERYTHING!"
"Oh my fucking goodness, Stephanie J. Block just optioned up on "Get Out and Stay Out!" BBM EVERYONE YOU KNOW."

Outer Critics Circle- Groups/Organization- A nominating and awards committee that
often makes confounding choices.
Person 1: Did you read about the Outer Critics Nominations?
Person 2: I'd rather not.


Pageant Face- noun- When an MT girl is perpetually smiling on stage because of an initial background in beauty pageants. This smile is usually wide, toothy, forced, and is annoyingly present during ballads.
Cassie: I love when someone uses pageant face to sing "Anyone Can Whistle"
Rachel: Such pageant face.

Park and Bark
- verb -
Any performance where a performer thinks they are being "simple" and "honest" but are, in fact, just standing still and singing. Closely associated with Dead Eyes and Underacting.
Director: Are you gonna give us some subtext--anything? I'm tired of this fucking Park and Bark bullshit!

Phoning It In
- saying- When an MT gives a lackluster performance; marking when you
should be full voice. Origin: Performances so bland, they could be at home performing
over the phone.
" I saw Little Merms last week and there was this ensemblist who was phoning it in."
"They need to replace her, she's been in the show so long she's phoning it in."

Placement- noun- Locations of the voice. Excellent placement is the mark of a
phenomenal singer. Belters with fabulous placement include: Barbra (the placement
pioneer) and Norm Lewis (unreal male placement). Her voice is good but her placement is the struggle.

Production Stills- noun- Photos taken during performances. Because these are taken
without actors knowing these can often be during unflattering "belt faces"
Some production stills, however, capture perfect moments of theatre magic.
1. That production still of Meredith and BatBoy is amazing. It's going right outside the theatre.
2. You know you're an MT when half of your facebook friends have headshots and production stills as profile pictures.

Preview-noun- Broadway performances during a two week period before reviewers
are invited to pass judgement on well-meaning shows. MT's love preview
performances because it means the chance to see songs, scenes, and costumes that
could be cut before a show is "frozen."

1. I can't help but think I should be paying less for this performance, I mean it is a preview.
2. "Our Little World" is my favorite song cut from previews. I'm so glad it made its way into the revival!

Power Mixer
- noun or verb- Female MT's whose singing operates solely in their mixed voice. Even when their ranges can support singing in head or chest voice, Power Mixes ignore that and choose to mix everything. This gives the desired effect of having no break in one's voice and as of recent contemporary musical theatre composing Power Mixers have been in great demand. Beware, a Power Mixer can fool you into thinking that she is belting or using her head voice; but with a trained MT ear one can soon spot Power Mixers of all strength and quality.
1. Chris: I can't wait to hear Krysta Rodriguez power mix through the new Lippa Score.
2. Sarah: I've been trying to emulate Kelli O'Hara's
Piazza Power Mix since it was on Broadway.

Pingy- adjective- The fantastic result of ultra-forward mask placement. The term is derived from the resonant sound and sped of a person's vibrato. Imagine a pinball being tossed around a pinball machine at fast pace: that's pingy. (We get extra points for making you want to listen to Tommy)
Her belt is so pingy, her placement can cut diamonds.

Peanut Butter Tone- adjective- When a singer, usually female, sounds as if she has peanut butter spread on the roof of her soft pallet. This can be from vocal damage, strained voice, and improper technique. Peanut Butter Tone usually leads to tinfoil mixing.
I appreciate a unique voice, but I couldn't get past Heather Headley's peanut butter tone during the Dreamgirls Actor's Fund Recording.


Quick Change- verb- Rapidly changing one's clothes, often with wigs and make-up
included. Quick changes vary inn length but they could be anywhere from five
minutes to five bars of music.
"That quick change in Thoroughly Modern Millie looks brutal."


Red-Face- noun- When someone is belting so intensely their entire face/neck turns a shade of red.
I love when she belts, you can always see her belt-vein and she gets the BEST red-face ever.

- saying- This phrase can be used as either a compliment or an insult. It is in reference to "selling it." If used as a compliment it means that you have gone shopping, had someone sell it, you bought it, you're satisfied and you don't need a receipt. If used as an insult it means that you have gone shopping, had someone try to sell it, but now you want your money back.
1. Whenever I hear Norm Lewis, I swear I don't need a receipt.
2. How could Huey crack in his HEAD VOICE? Ugh, I need a receipt.
3. Aw, look how hard she's trying to sell it...but I'm not buying it, gimme a receipt.

- noun- Shows in which MT's with legit voices drool over. A chance for shows
to take a second chance with on Broadway.
There needs to be a revival of Showboat. There is NOTHING on Broadway right now
for a true soprano.

Ricola-noun- A lozenge with a funny name, usually consumed in conjunction with
throat coat.
"I love saying the word ricola. Ricola ricola ricola ricola. Teehee!"'

Riff- noun- Vocal ornamentations on a melody. In recent years, riffing has come to be
expected of most respectable MT's. While riffing is often confused with vocal melisma,
they are generally lumped together in the same category. The mark of a skilled MT
Riffer, however, is properly negotiating the location and amount of riffs in one
performance. Less is more.
That bitch who played Effie riffed so much I can't even sing you one melody from that
I'm so bad at riffing. Sometimes I wish I were black!


Sides- noun- Small sections of a show that are used during auditions to have actors read directly from the script--usually during callbacks. Sides are useful as they also help MT's to understand the quality of the project they are auditioning for.
Cassie: Did you book that callback?
Lily: Yeah, I got offered but I'm not doing it. The sides were whack.

- noun- Any male who sings comfortably at high C and beyond. This can be done by singing in either a full belt or a forward mix belt, but NOT solely a falsetto. The male must be able to sing most (if not all) female belt songs.
Example 1
Chris: I am such a She-Tenor. I Belted Last Midnight in the shower today.
Danny: I can belt Last Midnight with a cold at 8 in the morning, thats not She-Tenor territory. Come back to me when you have Gimme Gimme.
Example 2
Lee: Billy Porter's "Beauty School Drop-Out" just came on my shuffle. I die.
Dan: Not only is he She Tenor-ing the shit out of it, but his beat work is inspired.

Stephanie J. BLOCKED
When a show transfers from a regional or Off-Broadway venue to Broadway and a leading actor or actress is recast. Origins: when Stephanie J. Block was not asked to originate Elphaba on Broadway after doing the show in many readings and workshops. Also referred to as the Stephanie J CockBlock.
Person 1: Wasn't Tony-Winner Adrianne Lenox supposed to be in the First Wives Club musical?
Person 2: Oh, she got Stephanie J. BLOCKED, the original Deena Jones just replaced her.
Person 1: Yes! So dishy!

Stealing Focus-verb- An act performed by an ensemblist who feels under-used, and therefore performs improvisations (i.e. pretends to be drunk, blind or bitchy) that draw attention to them rather than the leading actors. Also known as "scene stealing" or "upstaging"
Ensemblist: Aaaahhh, I'm so drunk now.
Star of the Show: Can someone give this bitch a "note" not to steal my focus again!

Swing-noun- One of the most confusing job descriptions in the theatre world, a swing is an understudy's understudy. In a production, members of the ensemble usually understudy the leads. In the event that an understudy goes on, the swing will fill into that understudy's track during the show. Unlike the understudy, however, the swing is not in the nightly show. Being a swing is a very strenuous job as it means memorizing ALL of the tracks in the show, even the leads and a swing can be called to go on in a moment's notice.
Person 1: Can you believe Norm Lewis started off as a swing?
Person 2: NO!
Person 1: Yeah, this teaches you to be good to your ensemblists. They could end up more famous than you!

Stage Mom
- noun- Belligerent, undersexed middle aged women who are too heavily involved in their children's careers. The line between supportive Mom and Stage Mom is very thick, as supportive moms do not require straight jackets. Stage Moms can often be seen backstage, updating their child's promotional website, photoshopping their child's headshots and avoiding productions of Gypsy at ALL COSTS. Example
: Little Miss Brissman sauntered into her W'Oz audition sporting the dress, the braids, the slippers, and she even had the dog; clearly this was the doing of her stage mom.
I wish I had a Stage Mom. I need someone to find me the perfect sixteen bars for all of my auditions.

Sitzprobe- noun- The first time the cast of a musical performs with their entire orchestra in a rehearsal setting. Until this point in rehearsals, MT's have only sung with a piano and accompanist--the added excitement of a full orchestra almost always means top-notch vocal production.
"I'm obsessed with watching the sitzprobe videos of the HAIR cast on their website."

Split Center
- verb- For two actors to share center stage, usually for an ingenue and
mangenue during final bows. A director will either never use this term or use it ad
"Shelly and Mike split center. Then Joe and Sue bow and split center. I want these
tables during act 2 to split center. Can we get some spike tape?"

Struggles- insult- This is an insult that describes anything in an MT's life of sub-par
quality. It can be used as a single word to encompass many ideas. Struggles. 2. It can
oftentimes be abbreviated simply as Struggs. 3. It can also be used with a well placed
"the" to denote things of particular disgustingness.
Person 1: What did you think of the sound at the 2009 Tony Awards.
Person 2: Oof, that was the struggle.

Singing Chorus
-noun- An antiquated system in which there are seperate choruses
that sing and dance. This need was eliminated by the regularity and economic
convenience of triple threats.

Sondheim Actress- noun- An actor or actress who exhibits brills singing and acting
skills, but should never be seen at a dance call.
"I don't know why they sent me in for "A Chorus Line", I'm poster-child for Sondheim

Stage Manager-n- Angry women (usually lesbian) who were heavily involved in high
school theatre. Their exorbitant passion combined with their minimal theatre skill make
them cranky bitches guilty of LaDuca Envy. Pleasant Stage Managers may be found,
but are extremely rare.
"Brenda is such a nice person, I can hardly believe she's a Stage Manager!"

Stock- noun- Shows performed usually during summertime in places such as West
Virginia and New England. Stock companies produce a season of shows that
combines fresh non-equity ensemblists with equity leads.
"I'm so excited for Stock this summer, but I have to do a historical drama as part of my
contract. Shit!"

Special- noun- A single light that shines downward onto stage in the shape of a circle.
Director: Sheila, please step on the spike tape. Otherwise you're completely out of the
special. We want Sheila, not shadows!

"Sell It"-verb- 1. To rip the shit out of a performance. "I'm just over here sellin' it!" 2. To
rise above poor material, "I'm playing Milky White at the CLO. No lines, but I'll sell it." 3.
a compliment to be shouted out during cabaret performances "You better sell it."

Showmance- noun-A romance that occurs over the production of the show. These
relationships usually do not last past strike.
"Ken and Bill are still together. They met doing Zorba. Classic showmance."

Stage Voice- noun- Voice used during auditions, monologues, and while onstage.
This voice is similar to an actor's real voice but slightly altered; usually with better
diction and higher tone.
"Lisa is such a fake. Whenever she talks to me she uses her stage voice."

Star- noun- The highest compliment to be paid to another actor. "Harry, you're a
star." 2. collective acknowledgement of fierceness "We are stars."

Slate-verb- To state your name and selections before an audition. This is a prime
chance for stage voice.

Straight Tone-verb- To sing without using vibrato. While vibrato is a prime sign of a
skilled singer, one who can straight tone without going flat should be lauded just as
equally. "Alicia Morton in that Annie remake reminds me why straight tone is so fierce"
2. an insult to an untrained singer with a screechy voice: "I hate Freda's voice. If I
wanted to hear straight tone screeching I would've stayed in middle school."

Savage-adjective- Compliment usually applied to whistle tones. "This show needs to
start! I have been jones-ing for some fierce riffs and savage whistle tones."

So Real- term used when things onstage mimic offstage occurrence.
When they cast that ugly girl as Fosca in Passion? That was so real.

Shill- noun- A person who trolls message boards with the intent of promoting one
show and one show alone 2. any person whose sole actions consist of talking about
one particular show
On a message board:
ElphabaGlinda234: Have you guys seen Wicked? It' s an amazing show. They sell out
nightly. I would book my tickets now if I were you! I'm serious.
Old Broadway Queen: Ladies, it's getting shill-y in here.


Tone Deaf- adjective- Someone who has zero concept of pitches.
Will: Even with a two-octave bell tone, she came in a third below the pitch.
Kristin: Bitch is Tone Deaf!

- noun- Formally, a theatre technician. In professional theatre: the only straight men backstage. 2. In high school theatre, techies are wierd, long haird awkward teens who enjoy anime, World of Warcraft, and wearing black. Because of this affinity for dark attire and the inclusion of the theatre, they gravitate to being backstage technicians. Techies favorite shows usually include The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Sweeney Todd, and Blood Brothers-- any show in which the characters have avant-garde like tendencies. Furthermore, techies are an integral part of the theatre and without them we'd be belting in our living rooms.
Nick: That techie with the lip ring is kind of hot. He can follow my spot, anyday.
Holly: Ew.

The TriBelters-noun- The Holy Trinity of Belters comprised of: Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, and Liza Minelli. The Tri-Belters are categorized not only by of their high belt, but also by their showbiz endurance, relationships with composers, accessibility by non-MT's, drug habits, number of divorces, and diva status. TriBelters do no wrong in the minds of MT's, ergo any amount of warble, pitchiness, and vowel modification is overshadowed by there sheer legend.
I literally spend hours on the Tubes looking at videos of the TriBelters! I dare you to think of a better way to spend a day!!

[tos]-y-adjective- The cult following of the short-lived, but brills and completely original Broadway musical [title of show]. Describes MT behaviour that is deliciously self-referential, knowledgeable, and quippy. [tos]-ers speak with rapid fire pace and usually have an extensive knowledge of short-lived and obscure musicals (i.e. Drat the Cat, Prettybelle, Dear Edwina, and Marylin: A Fable)
Matt: I got seventeen new playbills at the Broadway Flea Market yesterday. I even got Barbra's debut playbill from I Can Get it for You Wholesale.
Kathryn: That was so unbelievably [tos]-y, I think you just got Susan Blackwell preggers.

The Trifecta-noun- The "Ivy Leagues" of Musical Theatre Colleges that is comprised of: CCM, UMich, and Carns. Although these reputable schools currently sit at the top of the college-MT throne, remember that no one in the Tony-winning cast of Next to Normal attended any of these schools (moral: fierceness is not measured by matriculation alone.)
1. Person 1: Are you auditioning places?
Person 2: Yeah, I'm doing the trifecta and some other fierce programs.
Person 1: Good luck.

Throat Coat
-noun- A miracle tea (made of organic herbs and ecchinassia) that will
turn a hoarse, scratchy voice into Patti-esque vocals. "I shouldn't have partied last
night. I'm spending all morning with my lozenges and throat coat."

-noun- This is a reference to little gay boys who are skinny, speak in a female's octave, and idolize the tri-belters ( Judy Garland, Barbara Streisand , and Patti LuPone) They frequent the gay bars and would look gorgeous. There is no hiding the fact that they are the gayest when in an audition room. While usually cute, high tenors, and kick-your-face dancers, twinks have a hard time being believable leading men so they are usually delegated to being career ensemblists.

Triple Threat- noun- One who is equally proficient at singing, dancing acting. Said to
have begun with Michael Bennett's A Chorus Line (and the extinction of separate
singing and dancing choruses), many claim to be triple threats but often should be
classified as single or double threats instead. "Lizzie thinks she's a triple threat but she
reads as more of an "dancer/actress."

Totes-saying- Abbreviation: totally. Much like the word "fierce", this word means
everything and nothing simultaneously. A conveniently malleable word, it can be used
as affirmation, compliment, or conversation filler for worthless conversation. i.e.,
Darren: Meet me in five minutes.
Joe: Totes.

Lisa: I can't handle learning Shakespeare and JRB by tomorrow night.
Kelly: Totes.

Jonny: How many costume changes do you have?
Liam: Totes

Tech Week-noun- A hellish time in which one learns to hate the entrappings of a
"If belting a string of E flats doesn't kill me, tech week will."

Timing-noun- A lost art form in which actors and actressess of stage used the
audience, libretto, and costar as a cognizant machine of comedy. Timing could elevate
the simplest of lines from funny to hysterical. Examples of actresses with great timing:
Elaine Stritch, Dororthy Loudon, Bea Arthur.
"I have never seen anyone own an audience as well as Elaine Stritch. Her timing is

Tableaux-verb- The excruciating task of actors to freeze in a still position to represeant
a tableaux vivant (living picture). It is often a tradition of actor's facing toward upstage
to make other actor's laugh or "break character" during tableaux.
"When I played Yvonne in Sunday in the Park with George I found standing in tableaux
to be the hardest part of that role."

Theatre-in-the-Round-noun- Theatre in which at least fifty people are staring at your
butt at any given time. (Abbreviated as "in the round)
"No more cheetos for me! We're doing Falsettoland in the round."

TV/Film-adjective- Moments in which bawdy theatrical tactics are traded for
understated smaller approach.
That line reading was soooo tv/film. You better play to the back of the house next time.


Underacting-verb- When an actor thinks that they are using subtle acting tactics, but in reality they are simply not emoting.
Actor: Did you like my really subtle portrayal then. I didn't want to play it really weepy-whiney-over-the-top.
Director: Quite frankly, I thought you were underacting it. You DEFINITELY need to shed a few tears.

- Public Figure- Specifically Uta Hagen. Unlike other historic theatre teachers
(Stanislavski, Meisner, etc.) Uta is referred to mainly by her first name. An actress in
works such as Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Uta's teachings emphasize
preparedness and strong character study. Her book "Respect for Acting" is a must-
read for MT's of the Guettel Generation.
I've done, like, three character journals already. I'm a disciple of Uta.

Unreal-adjective- Compliment used when one cannot believe the performance they
have just seen. In their eyes, it is too good to be real.

Unreal. When she slid up to that e-flat. Just unreal.


Vape-noun- For those rastafarian MT's who partake of the Mary Jane, the vaporizer is the consummate manner with which to consume it. By turning the cannabis plant into vapor, one can consume the chemicals without the throat scorching pipe; thus, omitting severe vocal damage from smoking. Vaporizers are usually purchased on Ebay and anyone who owns one canbe intantly labled a "Pot-Head MT."
1.MT 1: What do method in actors in HAIR do?
2. We have all of this ganj, but I left my vape on Long Island.
3. Pot-Head MT: Do you wanna smoke?
Pot-Head MT 2: No, I only vape. Vocal damage is cumulative.

Vibrato-noun- Oftentimes abbreviated as "vibrats", vibrato is the basic tenet of a skilled
singer. While even vibrato can do wonders for a skilled actress with a gentle tone,
uneven or abrasive vibrato can be cringe inducing. Musical theatre is an art form that
capitalizes on copious vibrato and many different types can be found in one show
alone. Carolee Carmello exhibits fast, but wide vibrato that some find sheep-like but
others find complement her limitless belt range.

Vocal Rest-noun- After vocal marathons (singing the score of Les Mis, Carousel, or anything written after 1983) when someone must refrain from speaking and/or singing to conserve their voice until their next performance. By resting their chords, they are hoping to heal any vocal damage done by over-use. A runner will be tired after a marathon, and so will your voice so even MT's with proper vocal production are encouraged to use their voice wisely. To avoid having to go on vocal rest, MT's should mark or mix whenever they can.
1. We ran through "Make Our Garden Grow" so many times last rehearsal, our entire ensemble is on vocal rest.
2. There's no way Sarah could be on vocal rest, she has five lines. She's just doing it because it's trendy

Vibratress-noun- Abbreviation: Beltress with Vibrato. Describes MT actress who is categorized not only by her high belt, but also her accompanying vibrato. This usually has to do with the speed, tone, or width of vibrato.
Carolee Carmello is probably the most distinct vibratress I can think of. Ooh, and there's Stephanie J. Block singing "Don't Rain on My Parade" on Broadway Unplugged

W, X, Y, Z

Whistle Tone-verb- The rare gift of singing notes above the soprano high C. This random-act-of-fierceness is almost always an expensive way of showcasing one's self. Whistle tones are almost always described as savage.
MT: I cannot believe his savage whistle tones. He got those notes past a G7.

Work!-compliment- This is a phrase used as a compliment shouted during/after a performance (preferably in a cabaret setting.) This phrase, borrowed from the Fashion World, is a truncated version of the phrase "You Better Work!" Literally meaning "do work" or "you are working the hell out of this song", this phrase carries a certain weight of sass.
Gay MT Boy: Soooo fi-yerce! WORK!

Warm Mix
-adverbial phrase- The highest compliment to be paid towards a woman's
mixed voice. The word warm implicates both her tonal quality and thorough vocal
preparedness when warming up.
Lenny: Amanda, how is your mix tonight?
Amanda: My mix is so warm.

Wig Prep-noun- The entertaining placement of a stocking cap and many bobby pins in
one's hair to prepare for a wig. Before a wig is placed ontop of wig prep it carries the
appearance of a bald head.
"I love seeing all of the Chorines walking around Time's Square in make-up and wig
prep on a 2 show day. It reminds me that they're real."

West End- London's version of Broadway. Shows that do well on one side of the pond
will often transfer to great success or great failure.
Harry: I'm so glad people on the West End actually "understood" Caroline, or Change.
Bob: I know, that's so surprising considering it's an American musical-operetta!

YAS!- compliment- Very similar to "work", this is another MT affirmation to be shouted at cabaret events. This derivative of the word "yes" is given slightly more MT meaning by the gayification of the vowel "e" from the rounded "eh" sound to the flattened "a".
Celie: [singing with options-up] I'm gonna SING OUT SING OUT!!
Gayest MT: Yas! Work!

1, 2, 3

16 Bar Cut- noun- This is the length of music most commonly requested for auditions. 16 bars usually amounts to 40 seconds in non-MT time. The phrase literally means sixteen measures of music (measures of music being identified by "bar lines".) Because of the extremely short length of the 16 bar cut, it is crucial for MT's to find audition material that showcases range, acting, and personality. When choosing audition material it should be noted that you NEVER SING A BALLAD WITHOUT HOPE. A 32-bar cut is simply double the amount of time of a sixteen bar cut--usually equaling over a minute in non-MT time.
1. I found this patter song, and the best part is that it makes a perfect sixteen bar cut!
2. Instead of two 32 bar cuts, they asked for three 16's! Makes no sense to me.
3. MT 1: My sixteen bar cut is actually 26 measures, do you think that's ok?
MT 2: Booboo, that's practically a 32.

11 O'Clock Number
-noun- The classic Broadway occurence in most shows in which
the entire show's themes are collected in one song and the central character makes a
change in front of the audience's eyes. The term is derived from the fact that during the
Golden Age of Broadway, shows had later starting times which means that the 11
O'clock Number would occur late in Act II which would typically coincide with 11 p.m.
Examples of 11 O'Clock Numbers include: Rose's Turn from Gypsy, Being Alive from
Company, and Lot's Wife from Caroline, or Change. People often confuse the 11
O'clock Number with other belty solo's sung by the show's lead. In Gypsy one may
think that "Everything's Coming Up Roses" could be the Eleven O'clock Number
(EON), but the themes of that song aren't consistent with that of an EON. Some tips in
deciphering an EON are: the meshing of the show's musical themes, a strong
downstage cross, and abundant crazy eyes.
It's a shame there aren't as many 11 O'Clock Numbers for men. I die.

2 Show Day- The hellish experience of selling a show twice in one day.